Till Management allows users to easily track and manage cash activity in the Addmi POS. Till management will allow you to open/close cash drawers, Pay-In/Pay-Out of cash drawers, and release the drawer.  It also allows for easier closing procedures and tracking of cash discrepancies.

By default, Till Management will be toggled off. 

To enable Till Management:

Step 1: Tap the 3 Stacked lined icon located in the top left corner of the Addmi POS display.

Step 2: Select 'Settings' 

Step 3: In settings, Select the 'Till Management' option under the 'Point of Sale' dropdown in settings.

Step 4: As mentioned as above, by default, the Till Management will be toggled off. To turn Till Management ON, tap on icon, and it should turn green. 

Drawer Management & Cash Activity

Once Till Management is on, under the 'Reports' tab that appears when tapping the 3 stacked lines icon, is where you will find your till options and information. Below is what that screen navigation should look like. 


Till Information: There are 2 options under the 'Till' Report. The first option is "Current Till", this is where you will go to open tills, edit your current till, and close the till. The option "Till List" will show previous tills & other tills that are currently open. 

Opening a Till

Step 1: Select Current Till Option. Once current till option is selected, select 'Starting Cash' option, once correct amount of cash is entered into the selection, hit 'Start Till'.

Till Options:

'End Till'- Closing out the till, normally @ end of day. 

'Pay In/Out'- Used when removing or adding any non-sale related cash. 

'Release'- Stops the tracking of cash transactions for current till until re-activating the till again.

End Till:  Select 'Current Till' -> Tap 'End Till' on top of current till information -> Enter Actual Amount of Cash in till after counting the cash -> Tap 'Close Till' on bottom right of pop-up.