It is important to capture tips daily.
After 24 hours, you may lose the ability to add and adjust tips.
(WARNING: Once the orders have been captured, they are unable to be reopened and adjusted.)
Add tips to a payment
Go to 'Settings' and select 'End of Day'
Then select 'Adjust Tips'
This will direct you to options to 'Adjust the Tip Amount'.
Select the Tip amount to edit:
- Enter the Tip amount
- If the customer did not leave a Tip then select “0”
- Select 'Done'
Adjusting tips on individual orders
Go to Settings > Payments
Select the payment that you want to adjust.
Select “Adjust Tip”.
Enter the Tip amount and Select 'Done'.
If the customer did not leave a tip, then select “0” and select “Done”
- Enter the Tip amount
- If the customer did not leave a tip, then select “0”
- Select 'Done'
Once all orders have been adjusted with the correct tip amount, make sure to capture the payments at the end of the shift. It is important to capture the tips daily. After 24 hours, you may lose the ability to add and adjust tips.
(WARNING: Once the orders have been captured, they are unable to be reopened and adjusted.)