Collect Event Attendee Information

Custom Fields can be used to increase and improve information regarding individual attendees.  

Uses for Custom Fields:

  • Collect information from attendees when they purchase tickets
    • Examples: Meal Choice, Table Preference, Job Title
  • Assign information to attendees
    • Examples: Table and Seat Placement, Custom Notes 

How to Set Up Custom Input Fields

  • Go to your Event and click 'Edit'.
  • Go to Ticketing and inside any ticket, click 'Show Advanced Settings'.
  • Create a New Custom Field 
    • Field Name: this will only be displayed to customers if you make field 'Visible' for customers
    • Description: include instruction to clarify what this custom field is used for, or leave it blank
    • Field Type: Text Field or Selection
      • Choose Text Field if you want your customer or your staff to type in information
      • Use Selection when you want users to choose from a limited selection of options
        • You can include basic inventory for Selections. Each time a customer selects an option, the available total is reduced by one. When an option reaches zero, it will no longer be selectable by the ticket purchaser. 
    • Visibility:  
      • Set this to 'On' if you want customers to be able to make the selection. 
      • Leave it Off if you plan to assign the tables to Attendees in the dashboard
    • Required: generally this is only needed when Visibility is On. This forces customers to choose one before they complete their purchase.
    • Default Value: use this in cases where you want one of your options to be default. 

Examples and Tutorials 

Using Custom Input Fields