Business Profile
Business Logo
Logos can be .jpg or .png formats.
Logos will be displayed at sizes under 200 pixels square. You can upload larger sizes.
Banner Image
The recommended width for store business banners is 920 pixels, with a maximum height of 480 pixels.
Include information to help describe your business, such as service type, city, etc.
Type in your address. For best results, select from the dropdown menu when your address appears in the list. Sometimes starting with your business address will cause your address to appear in the dropdown menu.
Phone Number
This is the number we will display on your front end for customers to use to contact you.
This email will be available for customers to contact you.
Custom URL
Choose your custom URL to create a quick way for customers to find your pages. As long as no one has previously selected your choice, you can select any URL that you like, with as few characters as you think will be best for your customers.
Characters you can choose from include: $ - _ . + ! * ' ( ) ,
Select which page your custom URL redirects to by selecting from the options available.
Example: Home, Store or Events can each be selected when you have a store and events set up in dashboard.
Website and Social Media
Branding Colors
You can choose the colors on your online store to match your branding.
- Primary - affects main buttons and structural elements
- Accent - overrides top navigation buttons and various links
Include the full path for your website
Include and your username
Enter your user name only, without the and without the @ symbol
Example: addmipos
Enter your user name only with the @ symbol
Example: @addmipos