Physical gift cards make wonderful gifts for any occasion. 

Here's how it works:

First, you will need to order and purchase your physical gift cards from either Card Market

To begin your physical gift card order, please review Gift Cards (physical card).

Once you have received the physical gift cards, next is activating the gift card. 


When a customer wants to purchase a physical gift card, simply scan the gift cards QR from the Addmi POS by clicking on the QR icon at the bottom right-hand side of the order screen. A pop-up will be displayed utilizing the iPads camera. Hover the gift card QR under the camera.

Once scanned, the POS will display options to add a balance to the card. Select a default amount or a custom amount and select “Done”. This will add the amount to be transacted by the customer. 

When the transaction is completed, the customer’s gift card is active and able to be used for in-person or online transactions.

How to use an Addmi gift card for order payment.

Once the customer's order is entered into the point of sale, you can easily accept the physical gift card as a form of payment.

Here’s how it works

 After confirming the customer’s order, go to the payment screen by tapping the “Pay” option at the bottom right-hand side of the order screen.


At the bottom of the payment screen are the payment options. Select the “Addmi Gift Card” option. A new pop-up will appear with the iPad’s camera in use. Scan the gift cards QR to apply the form of payment. Ensure that the customer information for the card is consistent with the purchaser.

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Adding / Checking a balance of the gift card.

One benefit of the physical gift cards is the option for customers to add a balance to the card without having to visit the business. 

Here's how it works:

Customers can scan the QR code that is printed on the gift card using their mobile device. Doing so will redirect the customer to your business’ online store, displaying the gift cards balance and additional options to “order now” or “reload card”. Reloading the cards balance will add to the cards remaining balance.