Use floor plans with Addmi point of sale to: 

  • Keep track of orders with a visual guide of your tables
  • Track your open tabs by specific tables 
  • You can assign Addmi QR codes to tables to allow for ordering at specific tables
    • For more information about creating unique table QR's, Click Here.

Setting Up Floor Plans

To begin, in Addmi dashboard go to "Store" --> "Front of House"

Below the "Fulfillment Methods" you will see the option to create / customize the Table Layout. To begin a new table layout, click on "Add Floor Plan".

In the far right, you will see an option to name the layout. Next, you will want to then click on "Edit Tables". This is going to be where we create our table names and the quantity of tables we need to create.

Naming and Creating your Tables

There are a few options for naming and creating the tables, "Automatic" and "Custom".

  • Automatic - Allows you to choose the quantity of tables to create if the table names are going to be for example "Table #". After selecting the quantity of tables, click on "Add Tables". The tables will then be displayed at the bottom. Make sure to click "Save" before exitting.
  • Custom - Allows the same functionality as the automatic option, but with the additional option to customize the name of the table. For example, rather than it be "Table #" you can have it generate "Bar #"
  • One of Tables Naming: - Finally, you can name each table independently by clicking on the blue text stating "New Table" at the bottom. This would allow you to name each table one by one.

Adjust Table Sizes on Floor Plan

  • Click on tables in the right column and they appear on the floor area to the left.
  • Select a circle or square table shape
  • Type in the width and height
    • or use the 'handles' on the table to stretch the shapes and rotation
  • Adjust table rotation by using the handle on the table bounding box's corner
  • Click the tables in floor plan and drag them to your intended location

Table Layout on the Addmi Point of Sale

And here is how the table layout looks in the point-of-sale app:

Click a table to add a new order, or to edit an existing order. 

Tables that are currently occupied and have an order assigned are indicated by the blue color. Tables that are open for seating will be displayed as green.